In just a couple days I’ll be attending what is probably my favorite con of the year, Anime Expo, in Los Angeles, CA. Here is my tentative schedule of what I’m planning to see and do!
Exactly one month later, here’s my final MegaCon Orlando cosplay post! Having spent (probably too many) hours going through the hundreds of photos my dad took and editing them, I finally bring you some of the great cosplayers we saw on Friday aka Day Two. I think that day actually had some of my favorite cosplays photos from the convention!…
Hope you enjoyed my previous MegaCon cosplay post! Afters hours of narrowing down my favorites and editing, here’s another – this time from Saturday, the convention’s busiest day as well as the day of the big Masters of Cosplay contest later in the night! You can bet considering those things, cosplayers were showing off their cosplay best!
Here is the first of my MegaCon Orlando Cosplay posts! Yes, I decided to go backwards and start with Sunday instead of Friday (skipping Thursday which was more of a Preview Night). Since it was a shorter day, there were less photos to edit compared to Friday and Saturday, and as busy as my week has been, I wanted to…
Today I am sharing my final recap post from MegaCon Orlando 2018! It was a short day which makes this a short post! If you haven’t already, be sure to check out my other recaps from the previous three days.