My 2020 Books Wishlist

2020 Books Wishlist // The Geeky Fashionista

With libraries shut down during quarantine (at least here in Los Angeles), I’ve gotten used to reading E-books. I’ve always been somewhat resistant to them but have come to find them way more convenient than traditional books due to the fact I can read them in low light due to the screen and they’re much easier to take on-the-go. However, I will always have a soft spot for “real books”. While I would love to buy a ton of books and have my own huge library at home, space in an LA apartment can be tricky so I’m very intentional about what books I actually purchase. Maybe one day space won’t be as much of an issue, but for now I like to think that I have a little curated bookshelf that really reflects my interests and what I love

This wishlist contains both books I’ve already read as well as ones I’ve yet to read. All are ones I hope to add to my curated little library one day. All are also hardcover versions as I prefer to own those over paperback.

My 2020 Books Wishlist

  1. The Lunar Chronicles – I’m halfway through this series of futuristic retellings of classic fairytales, and I am loving it! I’m so invested in the characters and the world!
  2. The Selection Series – These books have the prettiest covers! I’m looking forward to reading the final book!
  3. A Ballard of Songbirds and Snakes– I was OBSESSED with The Hunger Games series and while response has been a bit tepid for this book, I still want to add it to my collection to complete my THG set.
  4. Daisy Jones and the Six – SO good! I can’t wait for the TV series to hear all the amazing songs!
  5. The Royal We – Loved the characters and the drama – it was such a fun read! I can’t wait to read the second book, The Heir Affair, too!
  6. Know My Name –  Such an important and powerful book! 
  7. A Court of Thorns and Roses – I haven’t read it yet but from what I’ve heard, I’m going to want to add it to my collection! And the embossed Collector’s Edition is beautiful!
  8. Becoming – Michelle is such an incredible woman, and I’ve heard nothing but good things about this book! Been waiting to own it before I finally read it.
  9. Beholding and Becoming: The Art of Everyday Worship – Ruth Chou Simons’ art is absolutely gorgeous and inspiring! 
  10. Cookbooks – I have several I’d love to own! My top 3 would probably be Cravings, The Defined Dish, and The Love and Lemons Cookbook.

Do you have a books wishlist?
