I’ve been wanting to do another fun geeky tag for a while so when I came across “The Geeky Girl Tag” on ZombieGoddess Beauty, I jumped on it! It’s been around since February, but I say better late than never!
Keep reading for the geeky tag questions and my answers!
1. What is your must-have tech gadget?
Probably my iPhone 6 since I use it all throughout the day. It edges out my beloved iMac because it’s portable and doesn’t require Wifi to work.
2. Which house do you belong to in Hogwarts
Slytherin!! It was the house I originally wanted even though in a million years I probably never would actually be sorted in it as my personality probably aligns more with Hufflepuff or even Ravenclaw. One extensive house personality test actually gave me “Ravenpuff” as my result because I was equal parts both houses. I was totally expecting to get one of those houses when I took the Pottermore test, but the Sorting Hat, must’ve known my heart’s desire and officially sorted me into Slytherin!
3. Who is your favorite Doctor?
Definitely the Tenth Doctor!
4. If you could have dinner with any fictional character, who would it be?
Hmmm…off the top of my head (and not because I just answered it above, I actually answered this tag from the bottom up so that was totally unintentional XD), the Tenth Doctor – and then hope he’d show me the TARDIS and let me be his companion and go on amazing adventures with him!
5. What is your gaming system of choice?
6. If you had a super power, what would it be?
Okay, maybe I’ve thought about this too much but I have 2 answers – both of which may be a bit too overpowered. First, I love the versatility of telepathic/telekinetic powers. With your mind, you can move things, read thoughts, fly, create barriers, etc like Professor Xavier and Jean Grey. If I were living in a world where others had super powers, that’d probably be the power I want. However, in a non-superhero/super villain world, I think it’d be so cool to control time – to be able to move backwards and forwards in time and stop it at will. I’d use my power to have time to read tons of books and learn lots of skills! If both of those seem a little too much, I’d settle for the ability to instantly teleport myself wherever I wanted so I could travel the world (and also avoid LA traffic).
7. What is your favorite fantasy world?
Initially, I was going to say Harry Potter since I think it’d be so cool to go to a wizarding school and learn magic! But I’m going to change my answer to Sailor Moon! What girl wouldn’t want to be a magical girl with awesome transformations, powers, talking guardian cats, amazing friends, and fight for love and justice? Of course, this scenario is only fun if I get to be a sailor scout, otherwise, I go back to my first answer.
8. If you could be any fictional race, what would you be?
Time Lord – wow, I really wasn’t expecting so many Doctor Who answers!
9. Star Trek or Star Wars?
Can I say both?? I grew up a Trekkie thanks to my dad and was obsessed with the original series. Leonard Nimoy was basically a second father figure to me. However, although I wasn’t introduced to it until a bit later, Star Wars has obviously had a huge impact on my life as well. If I had to pick, I would say Star Wars though.
10. List your top 5 geektastic movies or TV Series.
- Star Wars
- Star Trek
- Harry Potter
- Attack On Titan
- Sailor Moon
11. List your top 5 favorite video games.
- Uncharted series
- Super Smash Brothers
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 + 2
- BioShock series
- Rock Band
Here are the questions, if you’d like to do this tag yourself! If you do, please let me know in the comments so I can check out your answers!
The Geeky Girl Tag Questions:
1. What is your must-have tech gadget?
2. Which house do you belong to in Hogwarts?
3. Who is your favorite Doctor?
4. If you could have dinner with any fictional character, who would it be?
5. What is your gaming system of choice?
6. If you had a super power, what would it be?
7. What is your favorite fantasy world?
8. If you could be any fictional race, what would you be?
9. Star Trek or Star Wars?
10. List your top 5 geektastic movies or TV Series.
11. List your top 5 favorite video games.