Wow! April FLEW by!! It’s not surprising considering everything that happened in it! As a result of so much going on though, unfortunately, my blog has suffered a bit, and I’ve fallen super behind in posting (as you can can see from this post going up on the 11th instead of the 1st as usual). I also feel like I’ve all but disappeared from social media.
May looks to be even more busy personally with some HUGE life changes so I don’t think I’ll be able to catch up this month – although I certainly will try. I’ve beaten myself up a bit about being a bad blogger but I know real life comes first. Please bear with me as I try to balance everything and thank you all for reading!
Now let’s check out what goals I’ve set for myself!
Last Month’s Goals Recap
Personal Goals
1. Plan out my cosplays for con season – Yes! I’ve actually planned out the majority of what I want to cosplay this summer, and I’m super excited to share them with you!
2. Make time to hang out with friends – I am so glad I can proudly check this off! It has been such an incredible blessing! I am absolutely terrible when it comes to making plans to see friends and staying in touch…and overall just communicating at times. Especially since I work from home, I can easily become such a recluse, locking myself away in my apartment for days at a time. It was extremely important to me to reconnect and catch up with the people that mean the most to me. I still have so many more I want to reach out to and really want to continue to better make my friends a priority in my life.
3. Get active – I feel like I’ve barely done any kind of exercise or physical activity recently >.< I did a ton more driving than usual this month, but I still don’t think that’s much better than sitting in front of my computer. Whether it be walking, running, hiking, yoga, elliptical, whatever, I gotta step it up.
Blog Goals
1. Post eight times – Well, there certainly has been a lot to write about…almost too much maybe. April was a bit overwhelming with so much going on. I didn’t even get a chance to recap Wonder Con before Star Wars Celebration was suddenly here. Like I said in my intro, I’m severely behind on my blogging schedule and was only able to post 4 times, only half of my goal.
2. Reach 2,000 Instagram followers – Thanks to those pesky follow/unfollowers that I’m not a fan of, my number has been teetering back and forth between over 2,000 and right under…checking it off though because I did reach it! Here’s hoping I can continue to gain genuine followers. I understand I need to do my part and actually consistently post however…
3. Shoot and edit 3 Youtube videos – Last month totally got away from me and I barely had time to write blog posts much less work on any videos so this goal was a big fail.
3 out of 6 isn’t too bad! Honestly, with how busy I’ve been I definitely thought it was going to be a lot worse.
May Goals
Personal Goals
1. Go gluten and dairy free – This is a biggie and one I really want to commit to for my health’s sake! I’m going to test it a bit but it looks like potentially one or both of these things could be contributing to why I’m still having such bad abdominal pain. As a HUGE lover of both gluten and dairy products, I know cutting them out will be a challenge for me. I really want to live pain free though and if this is what I have to do, I’ll do it!
2. Save money – With all the travel and days taken off from work, this last month hit my bank account HARD! If I want to indulge in some con purchases later this summer, I’m going to have to start intentionally saving up ASAP!
3. Take more photos – I used to be “that girl” – the girl you could depend on to always take photos and document an event with her camera. Now, I feel like I rarely ever remember to take photos (as seen in my SWCO recaps where I lacked photos for many things). Sure, part of it is just me wanting to enjoy what’s going on around me and not get too wrapped up in taking tons of photos. But I also need to remember that I’m a blogger and a huge part of blogging is taking photos for your posts and documenting what you do. As long as I’m not impeding on someone else’s experience or being obnoxious about it, I shouldn’t be ashamed or embarrassed of it either – something I often feel. Anyone else ever feel this way?
Blog Goals
1. Quickly respond to social media comments – I feel like I’m the worst when it comes to responding to social media comments! I am SO grateful for and LOVE the engagement!! I always try to find a specific day to respond to everything at once, but I could definitely try harder to do it in a timely manner.
2. Post 5 times – I know some bloggers can post 5 times a week (how do you all do it??) so this probably seems like a pretty small goal, but I’ll be so thrilled if I can do this with everything going on this month!
2. Reach 1,200 Facebook Likes – I’ve been ignoring Facebook lately and want to spend a little time this month focusing and promoting it a bit. I’m currently at 1,161 Likes – if you enjoy my blog and would like to “Like” my FB page and help bring me one step closer to reaching this goal, I’d be so grateful! <3