Just like that, June is over and July aka Comic Con month is here! This month is always pretty crazy – just the fact that this post is going up on the 7th is testament to that. Hopefully, I’ll be able to keep up with the blog and all my monthly goals with all the travel and convention stuff going on. I feel pretty good with how I did last month so I’m going to stay optimistic! Here’s the recap of my June Goals followed by this month’s July Goals.
June Goals Recap
Personal Goals
1. Get a lob hair cut – Yay, I actually did this!! I do miss my long hair, but I’m glad I tried something new! I’ve never had short hair before so it took me a while to get used to it – I look like such a different person! You can see my new short do in my Irresistible Me Hair Extensions post.
2. Sew something – I sort of did this. I created my own pattern and sewed a complete “prototype” Han Solo vest using muslin but have not used my actual cotton fabric yet. I want to continue to practice my straight stitches a little before I use the good stuff.
3. Plan a trip – I haven’t personally planned a trip, but my boyfriend planned our Seattle trip for Fourth of July weekend so I’ll give myself partial credit.
4. Work out – I have been working out a little everyday, but I still think I could be doing more. I would love to wake up early and do a morning run but, unfortunately, I’m still having very painful morning pains and by the time they ease up enough for me to get out of bed it’s time for me to work. I’m seriously looking at my budget right now to see if I can start going back to Planet Fitness since a location has opened up not to far from me.
5. Film a YouTube video – So many ideas, but so little time. Didn’t happen this month, unfortunately.
Blog Goals
1. Post two outfit posts – I only posted one (Outfit #1: Star Wars Grunge), but I did two shoots. I haven’t posted the other yet because I had other posts I wanted to post first. You will see it this month though!
2. Start making Pinterest graphics to go with my posts – I haven’t decided on a consistent design yet, but I have made one for all my latest posts. Older posts are a different story…
3. Host/participate a giveaway – Yay! It was fun to participate in the UD Alice Through the Looking Glass Palette + Sephora Gift Card Giveaway even if it was just in a small way.
4. Create a media kit – I kept putting this on the back burner, but I know it needs to be a priority especially if I want to reach out to brands.
July Goals
Personal Goals
1. Cosplay at Comic Con for the first time – Luke and I plan on wearing our Jurassic Park costumes from Halloween so I’m already super excited that this goal will most likely be checked off right there. I’m also planning to wear my Attack On Titan solider costume and hope that I can finish my Han Solo vest in time.
2. Get my car to the auto shop – My VW Beetle is in need of an oil change and one of my front reflector lights that I just got replaced a couple months ago is falling out (??) so I definitely need to get my car into the shop to get this fixed ASAP.
3. Mail a letter – Everyone loves getting handwritten letters – I know I sure do. My boyfriend and his friends and family have sent me wonderful, thoughtful letters, and I would love to do the same for them and the other people in my life. It’ll take me getting over my fear of not being able to write down my feelings, but I think it’ll be certainly worth it to try.
4. Film a YouTube video – This goal might be a bit difficult to do unless I decide to vlog my time at Comic Con. Still going to keep it on the list because I reallyyyyy do want to do it.
Blog Goals
1. Reach 500 likes on Facebook or Pinterest – I currently have 337 and 380 respectively, so I definitely think this could be attainable with some work.
2. Make Pinterest graphics for old but popular posts – I need to go back and make some Pinterest graphics for old posts, especially the more popular ones. It’ll definitely make them more pin-able and easy to share. Plus, I’ve noticed that several of my old posts don’t have ANY photos at all. I definitely want to change that.
3. Write a full Comic Con recap – I’ve been going to Comic Con for about ten years now and almost every year I write a post about Wednesday and Thursday but then forget about Friday-Sunday. I really hope that will change this year! There’s just too much amazing stuff that happens those other days not to share with you all!
4. Create a media kit – I need to get this done ASAP!
5. Make business cards for my blog and hand some out at Comic Con – Luke has been helping me create an official blog logo that I can put on my business cards. We’re just about finished, and my goal is to order the cards tomorrow so I can receive them in time for Comic Cons. I’m really hoping to make some new friends and network in San Diego and give some of these babies out!