Halloween isn’t until Monday, but many of us (myself included) will be celebrating it over the weekend. Come the actual day, I’ll most likely want to take it easy and celebrate it in a low key way… such as watching some of my favorite Halloween TV episodes while I stuff my face with candy corn. Why not a movie, you ask? I’ve never been big on Halloween movies (besides Nightmare Before Christmas and Disney’s old school Halloweentown) and there’s just something about doing a little marathon of different shows that I enjoy. So without further adieu, read on for my Top 5 Must See Halloween TV Episodes!

1. Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Halloween” and “Fear Itself”
While I’m a little more biased towards “Halloween” (and most of Season 2 in general), both episodes deserve recognition as the epitome of a Halloween episode done right!

2. Community “Epidemiology”
They had me within the first 10 seconds with George Takei and ABBA. Before the opening theme even played, I knew this was going to be pure genius – and it was.
3. Angel “Life of the Party”
An overall hilarious episode that I only wish Cordy was still around for – my favorite shenanigan? Hands down, drunk Fred and Wes. Too cute.

4. How I Met Your Mother “Slutty Pumpkin”
Such an iconic episode for the series.
5. Friends “The One With the Halloween Party”
Because my family has to watch a Friends episode for every special occasion. Plus, Joey dressed as Chandler, Chandler in a pink bunny costume, and Ross as “Spud-nik.”
Honorable Mention:
Supernatural “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester”
Now I really want to go and watch all of these…xD