First Things First

This week, I discovered a cute new link up called “First Things First” brought to you by Halie. Each week, you are given three “firsts” topics to write about. This week’s topics are:

1. First speeding ticket or traffic accident
2. First BIG accomplishment you’re proud of
3. First thing you usually reach for in the fridge

1. First speeding ticket or traffic accident
With my driving record (I’m a horrible driver, just look at all the dents in my poor car as proof), you’d probably be surprised to learn that I actually didn’t get my first speeding ticket until this very last winter break. I was coming back home early in the morning after staying over at a friend’s house. There weren’t very many cars, if any, on the road and I was still a little tired so I let my car glide (is that the right word?) as I went down this bridge – a bridge that is notorious for being always being staked out by ticket-happy cops. It didn’t seem like I was speeding at all – but apparently I was going 10 over when the cop pulled me over  -__- He was a little touchy with me, especially when he saw my registration was outdated…but luckily, and, yes, I’m just remembering this now – he didn’t give me a speeding ticket at all and simply told me to update my registration or there would be a big fine. Thank goodness, all I ended up paying was about $10 after I updated it. So what does that mean? That means I’m still speeding ticket free! Woot! 

I guess I might as well write up something quick about my first traffic accident to make up for my lack of an actual first speeding ticket story. Don’t worry, I’ll make it quick! I was 16 and it was sometime early in my senior year – I was driving to class down the one veryyyy long road into the city. At one point, I saw ahead what looked like a car was turning. I slowed down but  not enough to stop thinking that by the time I reached it, it would have turned into its destination. Apparently, it was not turning but instead was at a complete stop along with another car ahead of it. I did not realize this in time and ended up hitting it with my slowing down, but still very much moving car. Before I knew it it, everything was happening very fast. It wasn’t a big collision at all. The van I hit didn’t have a scratch (talk about a safe vehicle!). Mine, on the other hand – or at least the front of it, was a wreck from the tap. My airbags deployed hitting me really hard in the face giving me whiplash and my car filled with smoke. The guy I hit was very nice and concerned and a doctor to boot and called an ambulance, to be safe. They were worried about my neck and put this very stiff brace around it then transported me to a hospital. Probably overkill looking back now, but I just recall being in so much shock that day. I do look back and realize how lucky I was though because it could’ve been so much worse.

2. First BIG accomplishment you’re proud of
There’s probably something else that precedes it, but I’m blanking so I’m going to say my move to New York! I’ve always clung to my family and find it really hard to be away from them. It was difficult enough for me to leave them to move to Tallahassee for college, but leaving them to go to the other end of the country? I wasn’t sure if I could do it. Two months later I admit I still feel homesick (and I consider both Tallahassee and Melbourne my home now) at times, especially when my dad sends me pictures of my cat and food he’s baked or when my friends post their weekend plans on Facebook. However, I know what I did was the right thing to do for myself and my career path. Hopefully, it pays off!

3. First thing you usually reach for in the fridge
Hmm…probably some kind of fruit or vegetable to snack on like an apple or bag of grapes or baby carrots. I love these because there’s no preparation involved and they don’t leave me feeling guilty for snacking. Perfect!

What were your firsts?